The World at my Fingertips
Embark on an Entrepreneurial Journey with Joshua Peery
Hi! My name is Joshua Peery. My mom tells people I am a go-getter. My brain likes books, but doesn’t function like a “book-learner” brain. I am a more “hands-on” kind of kid. With that said, I want to help start you on your life adventure. I want to encourage you, build you up, give you ideas and ultimately help you find a direction to live your best life. It all starts when you are a kid. Lots of life lessons.
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“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.“
I strive to minimize my environmental impact, support local communities, and respect cultural norms wherever I go. I believe in leaving a positive footprint on the places I visit.
Every travel experience, from the smooth sailing moments to the unexpected challenges, teaches me something new about myself and the world. I am constantly seeking out new knowledge and perspectives to enrich my understanding.